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Physical  Therapy
Sports  Medicine And Rehabilitation
Fitness Sports
English language
Secret of  Energy
Public Health
Public  Administration
Leadership & Management
Health Care Services
International law
Medical Technician
Mechanical Engineering - Electricity - Construction - Communications - Computers
World Business and Commerce
Accounting and Financial Programs
Human Resources and Personnel
Leadership in Management
Measurement and quality
Modern methods of administration
Technical skills
Strategic planning
Modern leadership strategies
Management of offices, secretaries and libraries    
Occupational safety
Public Relations and Media
Information technology
Health Programs - Hospitals - Emergency
Sports training 
Sports programs for athletes 
Sports medicine 
Health fitness


Benefits of Education On-Line

You can get your academic degree on-line 
Get your education on-line while working full-time.
24 hours access to on-line education materials.
With the convenience , it doesn't matter where you live.
Train for a new career or further your career by earning you’re 
on-line A.S.R.T   PROGRAMS 

On-line education is a solution for the busy professional, or those looking for a way to pursue their education on-line. Its education available when you want, where you want, and when you need it!

Please feel free to request info -- this site is designed to provide you quick information and access to our academy -- the information is FREE for the asking.



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